Immigration Awareness

All individuals in the United States have rights, regardless of immigration status. 

The following information can help you protect yourself and your family, and defend your rights.

Know Your Rights: Prepare for Trump’s Mass Deportation Threats
Resources provided by: National Immigrant Justice Center

Download a digital PDF version of this resource.

What “mass deportations” might look like 

President-elect Donald Trump has threatened our communities by promising “mass deportations” of immigrants. One of the tools the Trump administration may use is an expansion of the “expedited removal” program, combined with raids in neighborhoods and workplaces. Using expedited removal, an immigration officer may quickly deport individuals without due process if the government establishes that they entered the United States without immigration documents and have been in the country for less than two years. People deported under expedited removal may be detained and deported without appearing before an immigration judge.

Other immigrants – regardless of how long they have been in the United States – may also experience immigration enforcement and removal. Anyone without secure immigration status may be subject to enforcement efforts. People who were ordered deported in the past and people who have had contact with the criminal legal system are at particular risk.

5 things you can do now to protect yourself and your loved ones

1. Seek a legal consultation

  • With private attorneys: Call the American Immigration Lawyers Association at 1-800-954-0254 for a referral. 
  • With nonprofit organizations that employ U.S. licensed attorneys or Department of Justice accredited representatives: A list of these organizations can be found at Immigration Advocates Network or Illinois Access to Justice.

2. Create a safety plan 

3. Collect your documents in a safe place

  • Keep your identity information and financial information in a safe location. 
  • Gather documents showing the length of time you have been in the United States; the most recent two years are most important. This can include U.S. income tax returns, utility bills, leases, school records, medical records, bank records, or other documents.  
  • Make sure your emergency contact can access all of these documents. 
  • Read and practice NIJC’s guidance on what to do if you encounter ICE in your community.

4. Avoid immigration fraud 

  • Only seek legal advice from an attorney or an accredited representative at a Department of Justice-recognized nonprofit organization. 
  • Lawyers must have a license from a U.S. state to practice law. Ask to see their law license. Law licenses from other countries do not authorize the practice of law in the United States.  
  • Accredited representatives must be accredited and work for a nonprofit agency recognized by the Department of Justice. Ask to see their accreditation documents. 
  • Never sign an application with false information.  
  • Never sign a blank form.  
  • Ask for copies of everything you sign. 
  • If the advice sounds too good to be true, get a second opinion before filing an immigration application. 
  • Read NIJC’s full guidance on how to avoid immigration fraud.

5. Be alert for digital scams 

  • Be skeptical of social media posts promising new or quick immigration relief. 
  • The U.S. government (including Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and State Department) will never contact you via WhatsApp or social media.   
  • With limited exceptions, such as people who are released from detention and told they must check in with ICE via telephone, the U.S. government generally does not contact individuals by phone. 
  • If you receive an unexpected message or phone call from someone who claims they are an immigration officer or other government official, do not respond or share personal information. Do not wire or transfer money to pay a “processing fee” or for any other reason.  
  • If in doubt, consult an attorney or accredited representative before taking any action. 
  • Avoid sharing unverified information on social media.

If you need support resources: 

24-Hour Emergency Support: Call the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR) Family Support Hotline at 1-855-HELP-MY-FAMILY (1-855-435-7693). For additional resources, visit:

NIJC legal services for Illinois and Indiana: Chicago residents are eligible for free legal services from NIJC through the City of Chicago Legal Protection Fund. Immigrants in Illinois and Indiana can obtain free or low-cost legal consultations and representation from NIJC.

Know Your Rights: If You Encounter ICE
Resources provided by: National Immigrant Justice Center

The following information can help you protect yourself and your family, and defend your rights.

1. Create a safety plan 

2. Defend your rights

All persons in the United States have constitutional protections, including the right to remain silent when questioned or arrested by immigration officers. Being stopped by immigration officers or other law enforcement can be frightening, but it’s important to stay calm. During any encounter with law enforcement, it’s important to do the following: 

  • Stay calm and don’t run, argue, resist, or fight the officer, even if you believe your rights are being violated or you are being treated unfairly. Keep your hands where police can see them, and tell them if you need to reach into a glove compartment or for a wallet to show your papers.
  • Don’t lie about your status or provide false documents.
  • If you are pulled over in a traffic stop: Ask if the officer is from the police department or immigration. Immigration officers often identify themselves as “police,” but they are not police. Ask if they are from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) or Customs and Border Protection (CBP). If they are immigration officers, follow these guidelines about what information to provide.
    • If you are a U.S. citizen or have lawful immigration status: Show your passport, legal permanent resident card, work permit, or other documentation of your status. If you are over the age of 18, you should carry your papers with you at all times.
    • If you are undocumented: You have the right to remain silent and do not have to discuss your immigration or citizenship status with the police, immigration agents, or other officials. Anything you tell an officer can later be used against you in immigration court.
  •  If an officer knocks on your door: Do not open the door. Teach your children not to open the door. Officers must have a warrant signed by a judge to enter your home. ICE “warrants” are not signed by judges; they are ICE forms signed by ICE officers and they do not grant authority to enter a home without consent of the occupant(s).
  • If you are outdoors and think you see immigration officers nearby:
    • Move to a safe indoor space
    • If you are a U.S. citizen and feel safe to do so, record the activity with your phone or write down any relevant information about what you witness—ALWAYS being careful to not interfere or otherwise obstruct the operation
    • DO NOT:
      • Post unverified information on social media
      • Interfere with the investigation or otherwise put yourself in harm’s way

Sample administrative and judicial warrants

Click to enlarge each image

If you need support:

24-Hour Emergency Support: Call the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR) Family Support Hotline at 1-855-HELP-MY-FAMILY (1-855-435-7693). For additional resources, visit:  

NIJC legal services for Illinois and Indiana: Chicago residents are eligible for free legal services from NIJC through the City of Chicago Legal Protection Fund. Immigrants in Illinois and Indiana can obtain free or low-cost legal consultations and representation from NIJC.